Saturday, January 5, 2008


Realize this truth, my son, that the Lord who owns and holds the treasures of Paradise and the earth has given you permission to ask and beg for them and He has promised to grant your prayers. He has told you to pray for His Favours that they may be granted to you and to ask for His Blessings that they may be bestowed upon you. He has not appointed guards to prevent your prayers reaching Him. Nor is there any need for anybody to intercede before Him on your behalf.
If you go back upon your promises, if your break your vows, or start doing things that you have repented of, He will not immediately punish you nor does He refuse His Blessings in haste and if you repent once again He neither taunts you nor betrays you though you may fully deserve both, but He accepts your penitence and pardons you.
He never grudges His Forgiveness nor refuses His Mercy, on the contrary He has decreed repentance as a virtue and pious deed. The Merciful Lord has ordered that every evil deed of yours will be counted as one and a good deed and pious action will be rewarded tenfold. He has left the door of repentance open. He hears you whenever you call Him.
He accepts your prayer whenever you pray to Him. Invoke Him to grant you your heart's desire, lay before Him the secrets of your heart, tell Him about all the calamities that have befallen you and misfortunes which face you, and beseech His help to overcome them. You may invoke His Help and Support in difficulties and distresses.
You may implore Him to grant you long life and sound health, you may pray to Him for prosperity and you may request Him for such favours and grants that none but He can bestow and award.
Think over it that by simply granting you the privilege of praying for His Favours and Mercies, He has handed over the keys of His treasures to you. Whenever you are in need you should pray and He will confer His Bounties and Blessings. But sometimes you will find that your requests are not immediately granted, then you need not be disappointed because the grant of prayers often rests with the true purpose and intention of the implorer.
Sometimes the prayers are delayed because the Merciful Lord wants you to receive further rewards for patiently bearing calamities and sufferings and still believing sincerely in His Help. Thus you may be awarded better favours than you requested for.
Sometimes your prayers are turned down, and this is also in your interest; because you often, unknowingly, ask for things that are really harmful to you. If your requests are granted they will do you more harm than good and many of your requests may be such that if they are granted they will result in your eternal damnation. Thus the refusal to accede to your solicitations is a blessing in disguise to you. But very often your requests, if they are not really harmful to you in this life or in the Hereafter, may be delayed but they are granted in quantities much more than you had asked for, bringing in more blessings in their wake than you could ever imagine. So you should be very careful in asking Allah for His Favour.
Only pray for such things as are really beneficial to you, and are lasting and in the long run do not end in harm. Remember, my dear son, that wealth and power (if you pray for them) are such things that they will not always be with you and may bring harm to you in the life in the Hereafter.
Nahjul balaghah, letter 31

وَاعْلَمْ، أَنَّ الَّذِي بِيَدِهِ خَزَائِنُ السَّموَاتِ وَالاَْرْضِ قَدْ أَذِنَ لَكَ فِي الدُّعَاءِ، وَتَكفَّلَ لَكَ بِالاِْجَابَةِ،أَمَرَكَ أَنْ تَسْأَلَهُ لِيُعْطِيَكَ، وَتَسْتَرْحِمَهُ لِيَرْحَمَكَ، وَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهُ مَنْ يَحْجُبُكَ عَنْهُ، وَلَمْ يُلْجِئْكَ إِلَى مَنْ يَشْفَعُ لَكَ إِلَيْهِ، وَلَمْ يَمْنَعْكَ إِنْ أَسَأْتَ مِنَ التَّوْبَةِ، وَلَمْ يُعَاجِلْكَ بَالنِّقْمَةِ، [وَلَمْ يُعَيِّرْكَ بِالاِْنَابَةِ]، وَلَمْ يَفْضَحْكَ حَيْثُ الْفَضِيحَةُ [بِكَ أَوْلَى]، وَلَمْ يُشدِّدْ عَلَيْكَ فِي قَبُولِ الاِْنَابَةِ، وَلَمْ يُنَاقِشْكَ بِالْجَرِيمَةِ، وَلَمْ يُؤْيِسْكَ مِنَ الرَّحْمَةِ، بَلْ جَعَلَ نُزُوعَكَ عَنِ الذَّنْبِ حَسَنةً، وَحَسَبَ سَيِّئَتَكَ وَاحِدَةً، وَحَسَبَ حَسَنَتَكَ عَشْراً، وَفَتحَ لَكَ بَابَ الْمَتَابِ، فَإِذَا نَادَيْتَهُ سَمِعَ نِدَاك، وَإِذَا نَاجَيْتَهُ عَلِمَ نَجْوَاكَ، فَأَفْضَيْتَ إِلَيْهِ بِحَاجَتِكَ، وَأَبْثَثْتَهُ ذاتَ نَفْسِكَ، وَشَكَوْتَ إِلَيْهِ هُمُومَك، وَاسْتَكْشَفْتَهُ كُرُوبَكَ، وَاسْتَعَنْتَهُ عَلَى أُمُورِكَ، وَسَأَلْتَهُ مِنْ خَزَائِنِ رَحْمَتِهِ مَا لاَ يَقْدِرُ عَلَى إِعْطَائِهِ غيْرُهُ، مِنْ زِيَادَةِ الاَْعْمَارِ، وَصِحَّةِ الاَْبْدَانِ، وَسَعَةِ الاَْرْزَاقِ.ثُمَّ جَعَلَ فِي يَدَيْكَ مَفاتِيحَ خَزَائِنِهِ بِمَا أَذِنَ لَكَ فِيهِ مِنْ مَسْأَلتِهِ، فَمَتَى شِئْتَ اسْتَفْتَحْتَ بِالدُّعَاءِ أَبْوَابَ نِعَمِهِ، وَاسْتَمْطَرْتَ شآبِيبَ رَحْمَتِهِ، فَلاَ يُقَنِّطَنَّكَ إِبْطَاءُ إِجَابَتِهِ، فَإِنَّ الْعَطِيَّةَ عَلَى قَدْرِ النِّيَّةِ، وَرُبَّمَا أُخِّرَتْ عَنْكَ الاِْجَابَةُ، لِيَكُونَ ذلِكَ أَعْظمَ لاَِجْرِ السَّائِلِ، وَأَجْزَلَ لِعَطَاءِ الاْمِلِ، وَرُبَّمَا سَأَلْتَ الشَّيْءَ فَلاَ تُؤْتاهُ، وَأُوتِيتَ خَيْراً مِنْهُ عَاجلاً أَوْ آجِلاً، أ َوْ صُرِفَ عَنْكَ لِمَا هُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكَ، فَلَرُبَّ أَمْر قَدْ طَلَبْتَهُ فِيهِ هَلاَكُ دِينِكَ لَوْ أُوتِيتَهُ، فَلْتَكُنْ مَسَأَلَتُكَ فِيَما يَبْقَى لَكَ جَمَالُهُ، وَيُنْفَى عَنْكَ وَبَالُهُ، فَالْمَالُ لاَ يَبْقَى لَكَ وَلاَ تَبْقَى لَهُ.
نهج البلاغه، کتبه 31
بدان!همان كسى كه گنجهاى آسمانها و زمين در اختيار دارد بتو اجازه دعا و درخواست را داده است و اجابت آن را نيز تضمين نموده،بتو امر كرده كه ازاو بخواهى تا بتو عطا كند و از او در خواست رحمت نمائى، تا رحمتش را بر تو فرو فرستد خداوند بين تو و خودش را كسى قرار نداده كه حجاب و فاصله باشد و تورا مجبور نساخته كه بشفيع و واسطه‏اى پناه ببرى. و مانعت نشده كه اگر كارخلافى نمودى توبه كنى در كيفر تو تعجيل ننموده و در انابه و بازگشت ‏بر تو عيب‏ نگرفته است. در آنجا كه فضاحت و رسوائى سزاوار تو است، تو را رسوا نساخته ‏و براى بازگشت و قبول توبه شرائط سنگينى قائل نشده است در جريمه با تو به مناقشه ‏نپرداخته و تو را از رحمتش مايوس نساخته است‏ بلكه باز گشت تو را از گناه حسنه ‏و نيكى قرار داده، گناه و بديت را يك، و نيكيت را ده بحساب آورده است ‏و در توبه و باز گشت و عذر خواهى را برويت گشوده است پس آنگاه كه ندايش كنى ‏بشنود، و آن زمان كه با او نجوانمائى سخنت را ميداند، پس حاجتت رابسوى او مى‏برى، و آن چنانكه هستى در پيشگاه او خود را نشان مى‏دهى.
هر گاه بخواهى با او درد دل مى‏كنى و ناراحتى و مشكلاتت را در برابر او قرارمى‏دهى از او در كارهايت استعانت مى‏جوئى، و از خزائن رحمتش چيزهائى رامى‏خواهى كه جز او كسى قادر باعطاء آن نيست:
مانند عمر بيشتر، تندرستى بدن، و وسعت روزى، بار ديگر تاكيد مى‏كنم‏ كه خداوند كليدهاى خزائنش را در دست تو قرار داده، زيرا بتو اجازه داده كه‏ از او در خواست كنى، بنابر اين هر گاه خواستى، مى‏توانى بوسيله دعا درهاى ‏نعمت‏خدا را بگشائى، و باران رحمت ‏خدا را فرود آورى.
اما هرگز نبايد از تاخير در اجابت دعا مايوس گردى زيرا بخشش به ‏اندازه نيت است‏گاه مى‏شود كه اجابت‏ بتاخير ميافتد تا اجر و پاداش و عطاى در خواست‏ كننده بيشتر گردد و گاه ميشود كه در خواست ميكنى اما اجابت نميگردد درحاليكه بهتر از آن بزودى، و يا در موعد مقررى بتو عنايت‏خواهد شد و يا اينكه‏ بخاطر چيز بهترى اين خواسته ‏ات بر آورده نمى‏شود زيرا چه بسا چيزى رامى‏خواهى كه اگر بتو داده شود موجب هلاكت دين تو مى‏شود. روى اين اصل ‏بايد خواسته تو هميشه چيزى باشد كه جمال و زيبائيش برايت ‏باقى و وبال و بديش از تو رخت ‏بربندد،مال براى ‏تو باقى نمى‏ماند و تو نيز براى آن باقى نخواهى ماند.
نهج البلاغه، نامه 31

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