Sunday, March 9, 2008


The first leader of Islam after Prophet Muhammad (s.a) - Imam Ali (P.B.U.H) -said:

* )One who struggles in the way of god and is martyred is not in a higher rank than one who can commit a sin but refrains.

Brief description:

In view of islam's logic, the greatest holy strife is striving with rebellious desires specially in contaminated environments. even struggle with enemy would be fruitful when it is made with sincerity, solidarity, pure intention and free from any selfishness and personal interest and this is not possible unless under sufficient moral education and inner warfare.
thus ali (a.s.) says those who overcome in the battle field with desires, and remain honest in contaminated environments, are not in a lower rank than the martyrs in the way of god. even following this tradition, we read in nahjol balaghah that such people are ranged with heaven angels.

narrated from nahjol balaghah, aphorisms

Le premier dirigeant d' Islam après le Prophète Mahomet
(que lui et sa famille soient bénis) – Imâm Alî- dit:

* ) Ce qui lutte pour la cause de Dieu et devient martyre n' a pas un rang plus haut que ce qui peut pécher mais s'en abstient.

قال امیرالمؤمنین الامام علی بن ابی طالب علیه السلام
مَا الُْمجاهِدُ الشَّهِيْدُ فِى سَبِيْلِ اللّهِ بِأَعْظَمَ أَجْراً مِمَّنْ قَدَرَ فَعَف***
مقام آن کس که در راه خدا جهاد می کند و کشته می شود بیشتر از آن فردی نیست که قادر به گناه است اما عفت می ورزد
نهج البلاغه

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