Friday, December 21, 2007


Imam Jawad (P.B.U.H) - the ninth leader of Islam after the Prophet Muhammad( P.B.U.H) said: the believers require three qualities: divine success, a preacher from the heart and soul, and acceptance from advisers.

brief description
in this path, with a lot of acclivity and declivity which man should go through it along his life for being saved from innumerable dangers which threaten his prosperity and also becoming a useful and effective individual in the society, first he needs a spiritual and immaterial relation with god being supported by his pure essence, and then an aware and informed conscience advising him inwardly, and then hearing ears using the thoughts, guidance, advices and consultation of others.

قال امام جواد علیه السلام
اَلْمُؤْمِنُ يَحْتاجُ إلى ثَلثِ خِصَال: توفيقٌ مِنَ اللّه، وَ وَاعِظٌ مِنْ نَفْسِهِ، وَ قَبُولٌ مِمَّنْ يَنْصَحُهُ
مومن به سه خصلت نیاز دارد: توفیق از جانب خدا، واعظی از درونش، وقبول نصیحت از ناصح
منتهی الآمال

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