Monday, December 10, 2007


Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says:
a faithful believer is always anxious for two things; for his past sins that he does not know how god will treat with him, and for his remaining life that he does not know what he will do!

brief description:
the most manifest sign of belief is feeling responsibility, both for what have been already done and for the duties and obligations that should be done.
those having these two feelings, are always thinking about compensation of past negligence, as well as finding the best possible way for using future opportunities. these thoughts are codes of development and progress of a man or a nation. those neither thinking to the previous actions, nor intending to build the future, are poor and miserable.
osoule kafi, volume two, page 7

قال امام جعفر صادق علیه السلام
اَلْمُؤْمِنُ بَيْنَ مَخافَتَيْنِ: ذَنْبٌ قَدْ مَضَى لايَدْرِى ما صُنْعُ اللّهُ فيه و عُمْرٌ بَقِىَ لايَدرِى ما يَكْتَسِبُ فيه
مومن همواره نگران در مورد دو چیز است: برای گناهان گذشته اش که نمی داند خدا با او در این مورد چگونه رفتار خواهد کرد و برای باقی عمرش که نمی داند چگونه عمل خواهد کرد
اصول الکافی-جلد 2- صفحه ی 7

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