Thursday, February 21, 2008


Imam Sadegh (a.s.) was asked: how the people enjoy existence of an invisible and hidden imam?
imam said: as they enjoy sunlight behinthe clouds.

brief description:
sunlight is the source of all vital movements on the earth and no living creature is able to continue its life without it, and the same is the light of existence of divine imam and leaders in man's spiritual and human life.
sunlight behind cloud, just like a light behind a translucent glass, sends out a considerable part of its light and removes the darkness of night and affects on the living plants and creatures. spiritual and immaterial blessings of imam (a.s.) shine human world even behind absence curtain, but since each building uses sunlight as much as its openings, people's share from the light of leadership is in

beharol anvar, volume 52, page 92

كَيْفَ يَنْتَفِعُ النّاسُ بِالْحُجَّةِ الْغائِب الْمَسْتُور؟ قالَ (امام صادق علیه السلام) كَما يَنْتَفِعُونَ بِالشَّمْسِ إذا سَتَرَهَا السَّحآبُ
از امام صادق (علیه السلام) پرسیدند: چگونه مردم از وجود امام غایب بهره می برند؟
فرمودند: همان گونه که از وجود آفتاب پشت ابر بهره می برند
بحار الانوار - جلد 5- صفحه 92

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