Monday, September 24, 2007


The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) says:
be aware! knowledge not furnished with thinking has no profit!
be aware! recitation of quran not accompanied with reflection is useless!
be aware! worship lacking meditation has no effect!

brief description
filling the brain with scientific formulas, logical rules and philosophical principles, and any knowledge has a little effect as long as it is not in concordance with proper reflection, clear world- view and familiarity with fundamentals of man's life.
as reciting holy verses of quran has a little effect when it is not accompanied with meditation and thinking about them, the worships missing the light
of thinking and wisdom are like a spiritless body, and lose the high educational effects.

قال رسول الله صل الله عليه و آله
أَلا لا خَيْرَ فى عِلم لَيْسَ فيهِ تَفَهُّمٌ، ألا لا خَيْرَ فى قرائة لَيْسَ فيها تَدَبُّرٌ، ألا لاَ خَيْرَ فى عِبادَة لَيْسَ فيها تَفَكُّرٌ
پیامبر رحمت صلّ الله علیه و آله
در علمي كه در آن فهم نباشد خيري نيست در قرائتي كه در آن تدبر نباشد خيري نيست و در عبادتي كه در آن تفكر
نباشد خيري نيست
اصول كافي جلد يك صفحه 36 / تحف العقول

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